All orders are shipped within 2 business days, Monday to Friday (not including holidays).
We use the following carriers to deliver our orders
- UPS (Pick up time - 4PM EST)*
- FedEx (Pick up time - 2PM EST)*
*Please note that FedEx and UPS do not ship on the weekends.
Rosco is not responsible for lost or stolen items. In the case of a lost package by the carrier, Rosco will assist with any information needed by the customer, but all claims must be made by the customer.
Shipping Time
Please use the following tools to calculate shipping from our location in Jamaica, NY 11435.
- UPS:
- FedEx:
*Shipping times may vary depending on the shipping carrier, stock availability, processing times, and unforeseen weather conditions.
Shipping Rates
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the weight of your products and your shipping address.
Expedited Shipping
We cannot guarantee expedited same day shipping, especially on orders placed after 12PM EST. Please note that the earlier in the day we receive your order, the better chance of it shipping the same day. Please call our office for further assistance.
Out of Stock
If an item is out of stock, we will contact you by phone or email. Please note that some items can take an extended period of time to restock and we can work with you accordingly to find a beneficial solution.
International Orders
We offer international shipping to customers outside of the U.S. Please expect delays in shipping due to customs and extra paperwork. Recipients may also incur extra customs charges.
Rosco Returns Policy
If you wish to return any item(s) purchased on the item(s) must be unused and in like new condition.
Please use the following steps for all returns:
- Obtain a valid Return Merchandise Authorization # (RMA #) by calling (800) 227-2095, press '0' for the operator and ask for Website Product Returns. Please have your order number ready when requesting an RMA #.
- Upon return, we can issue one of the following:
A. Credit: In-house Rosco credit of the full purchase price to be used for an alternate purchase on The alternate purchase must be within 30 days.
B. Refund: A refund to the original credit card used for purchase will be made less shipping & handling, and freight charges.
Disclaimers: Rosco reserves the right to deny any return claims. Refunds may be subject to a 30% restocking fee. Rosco will not accept any returns without a valid Return Authorization #. Sender is responsible for return shipping costs. This return policy pertains to Backup Camera Systems and Dual-Vision® products. No returns will be accepted for parts and accessories such as monitor mounts, cable harnesses, camera guards, extension arms and Dual-Vision® accessories. The return must be made within 30 days of purchase.